“For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.“ (2 Thessalonians 3:11b-13)
In these closing words of 2 Thessalonians, Paul rebukes idleness. Apparently some of the saints had ceased working because they thought that the Lord’s return was imminent. These idlers had become a nuisance as they drained the resources of the church and had become busybodies and gossips, self-appointed authorities who were more concerned about telling their brethren how to live than with spreading the good news to the lost or even their own spiritual growth. Paul warned the saints to live lives of hard work and righteousness and not to tolerate idlers. Rather, because such busybodies spread lies and gossip and provided a poor witness to the love of Christ, they must be disciplined.
These days, many still have forgotten that the Lord has promised to return to bring judgment upon those wicked and deliverance for His Saints. Therefore we are to live our lives accordingly, growing in righteousness and godliness, doing good, and spreading the gospel to those who do not have faith in Jesus. These are facing God’s wrath unless they repent and surrender to Christ. We do not know who they are or what their response will be to the message of salvation in Christ Jesus alone, but we do know that without faith these are facing an eternity in hell. Instead many of us who are called Christians continue to live without a thought to this grave danger.
Many families neglect Sunday church attendance in favor of their children’s sports, parties, or other social and recreational activities that are scheduled for Sunday mornings. Add to this that many others neglect church fellowship, prayer, and study of God’s Word in favor of indulging in the media or their favorite recreational activities as if they were more important than developing and maintaining a relationship with the Lord, more important even then the spiritual well-being of their children. Perhaps the apostle Paul would classify these as idlers or busybodies. Many these days, thank to the popularity of social media, engage in gossip, promoting their own thoughts and opinions on topics, issues, and personalities about which they know little or nothing. We believers must live in light of Christ’s soon return. We must spread the good news of God’s peace and love in and through our Savior and Lord, Jesus.