“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6, ESV)
This is the most personal of Paul’s letters written to a church that was wholeheartedly in support of his authority and quite resistant to false teachers. He begins by thanking God for these faithful brethren and thanking them as well for their sincere partnership with him in the ministry of the gospel. This partnership is also with the Lord and with other believers. It is the driving force which empowers Paul’s work the work of preaching the gospel. The Philippian believers supported him with prayer, finances and hospitality all of which endeared them to his heart. Paul prayed that the Lord would continue to sanctify them, to grow in the Lord and thus enable him to continue his ministry as well as their part in it and this despite the obstacles he faced, especially his present imprisonment.
Paul is also concerned that the Philippians were becoming discouraged over his imprisonment and because of the prevalence of false teachers out seeking their own profit. They feared such things would hurt the cause of Christ.  Naturally when we see false teachers personally benefiting from preaching we want to stop them. However, this may or may not be a good thing to do, for as Paul says, no matter the motive God’s Word is getting out. And when we face obstacles and problems that seem to hinder the work of the ministry we tend to get upset and aggravated. Yet Paul does not see these tribulations as a reason to shrink back from preaching or from living a life pleasing to God. Rather, such obstacles can be overcome and nullified if we see them as opportunities to spread the good news about Jesus.