“So Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.’” (Acts 10:34-35)

In recent years there has been a great outcry in our nation against racism and injustice. These days, however, the emphasis has extended to protest injustice allegedly done to Palestinians by Israelis. Those shouting the loudest and causing the most havoc on the streets of our cities and college campuses seem to have forgotten that they too are inflicting injustice on others by their protests and violence. Meanwhile, scholars, media pundits, activists, and politicians complain but do nothing to stop any of the injustice or violence, and in some cases are actually promoting it. They do not know how to stop it because the violence and hatred are rooted in the sinful hearts of all human beings. They can do nothing of lasting importance because they continually ignore the Word of God. 

Yet it is the Word of God that tells us of the solution to injustice, war, and animosity, one which has already been implemented in the Church by the Spirit of the Lord. Saint Peter said that the Lord shows no partiality as to who inherits eternal life, who enters the Kingdom of God. He desires that all men come to faith and salvation, not just Jews. He used Peter to be the first to work to make it so in the Church. The Lord prepared the apostle with a vision that ripped to shreds all the dietary and ceremonial laws of clean and unclean which marked the Jews as God’s people. Not only did God bless all food, but He also did away with the separation between Jew and Gentile. He united all in the church. All are made righteous by faith through the love and mercy of God, regardless of race or ethnicity or language. The understanding is that those who receive the Spirit repent of their sins and are cleansed. They no longer desire to follow the desires of the flesh. 

We should rejoice over this unity,celebrate and preach it. We have been given the solution to all the world’s ills. God Himself has placed us where we are. He continually works in us to rid us our biases and preconceived notions. The Lord extends His love and grace to all through us for He desires that all come to repentance and faith. Those who have faith in Him, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, or what language they speak are our brethren. We must love them as we love Christ Himself. Andtoo we must preach the gospel of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. No one can inherit the Kingdom of God unless they come through Him.