Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me.” (1 Corinthians 15:8)

In our epistle reading from 1 Corinthians 15 we find Paul, like any good detective or attorney, citing the testimony of eyewitnesses as proof to make his case. And his case is to prove the truth of the resurrection of Jesus. Our faith in Christ rests on that testimony, the words of those who saw Him alive again! And, as Paul says, there were hundreds of concordant testimonies that support this truth, including his own.

Many years ago I formulated a survey which presented logical support for the gospel to unbelieving skeptics. I asked what value each person would place on eyewitness testimony in reporting an event with the idea of proving how such testimony verified that Jesus rose from the dead. No one was convinced. Many placed high value on eyewitnesses, but few were willing to admit that the testimony about Jesus was valid for it conflicted with what they already believed and implied that they would have to change their ways. None cited their bias as the main reason for disbelief. Rather most stated that eyewitnesses cannot be trusted because the details of what they recall can differ widely and even conflict.

And yet, as Paul said, there were so many congruent testimonies. In addition most of those who testified to the resurrection endured persecution and death rather than deny what they had seen the risen Lord, including Paul. Even a determined conspiracy of lie and deceit would have fallen apart under close investigation and torture.

Christianity is the truth, not a lie! That is why it has stood the test of suffering and abuse for 2000 years. Skeptics will make up any excuse to avoid believing the truth, but still the best testimony is that of the eyewitnesses, the disciples as well as you and me, that declares that we have met the Risen Lord!