“‘Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.’And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5:10b-11)

Jesus came to change the social order in a drastic manner, to topple the structures of evil and oppression that dominated and crushed ordinary people for hundreds of years. He would alter the Jewish systems of religion and worship by fulfilling the Law of God and setting in place a new law of love. One of His radical actions was to call as His disciples ordinary and simple men, many of them fishermen. These He called to be the ministers of the new covenant, not the descendants of Levi, nor the priests, rabbis or teachers of the Law, most of whom at that time had little compassion on their fellow Jews and who despised the rest of humanity. They never associated with sinners or fellowshipped with Gentiles lest they defile themselves. The ministers of the new covenant were, in fact, people these elitists shunned as unclean, unlearned, and common.

Jesus used this occupation of fishermen to describe the calling of His disciples. As they went about preaching the gospel they would pursue others, attract them and lead them into the kingdom in the way that a fisherman lures fish into his nets. The bait was the Word of God and the forgiveness of sins.

Our world is crying out for radical change. Many people are frustrated and saddened by the systemic injustice, prevarication, and oppression that permeate our social, cultural, and political structures. Unfortunately, many seek change through violence, education, or governmental mandate. True and lasting change is possible only as individuals come to faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Instead, many churches and preachers try to lure people in and build up their following by means that appeal to the frustrated and helpless. Some use the promise of prosperity, health, and wealth. Others use flashy music and trendy messages. Others use so-called miracles and the gifts of the Spirit, primarily speaking in tongues. But, like the disciples who labored all night and caught nothing, we need to set aside human means and learn from Jesus. What really attracts sinners and hurting people is the love of God as well as peace with Him through the forgiveness of sins. Such peace only comes by faith in Jesus alone. For such peace we will forsake the lures of the world to follow Jesus.