“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we should remember to give thanks to God for the Church. The Church is God’s kingdom on earth, the instrument through which He works. This is great news to we who are troubled by the chaos of contemporary life.

Our contemporary culture is marked by violence, division, acrimony, and selfishness. In order to cope with all this, many people are abandoning church thinking they can find acceptance, companionship, love, peace, and meaning in various cultural, political, civic and community organizations. And yet the author of Hebrews urges us to meet together as the church especially in the midst of troubling and violent times. Why?

Church is where we meet with God in Christ Jesus. Church is where we focus our attention on the gospel. We are reminded that Jesus alone has made it possible for believers to enter the very presence of God Almighty. He offered Himself as the one perfect sacrifice that satisfied the demands of God’s Law and His justice. There is no need for further offerings. Those who accept the offering of Christ find that God no longer remembers their sins. They have been dealt with at cross and He will never bring them up again. Consequently we do not have to fear that God will reject or cast us aside when we come to Him in worship and in prayer. He welcomes us. We can make our prayers and petitions directly to Him knowing that He will grant forgiveness as well as all the strength and encouragement we need to persevere through suffering and tribulations.

One of the ways in which the Lord provides strength and encouragement is through the Church, that is, the body of believers. As the wicked prosper and evil seems to run rampant we need help to persevere amidst doubt, temptation, lies and persecution. Church is where we find this help in the support and encouragement of Christ and His people, our brethren. Church is where we inspire and support one another. Church is where we encourage our fellow believers by just showing up for Church worship and fellowship. Church is where we help one another by manifesting the presence and righteousness of Christ through good works, humility, love, sacrificial living and faithful perseverance. And we need this all the more in the chaos of contemporary life for only Almighty God can help us to persevere and only He can provide true meaning and purpose to life.