“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)

The Apostle James calls the church to persevere in times of suffering and persecution. Christians will endure persecution and tough times merely because they have been given faith and are members of the Kingdom of God, so we must not give up or lose heart for we will receive God’s certain wisdom and strength to help us endure without compromise or despair.

As the Patriarch Abraham learned, God is faithful and true, always reliable, unchangeable and good. We can always rely on Him to do what is right even in the midst of pain, sickness, suffering, deprivation, violence, and persecution. This is because we rest on God in Christ, our sure rock, a firm foundation in the midst of chaos. This is a vital yet foreign message to our contemporary culture which rejects absolutes (a paradox in itself). Many people do not believe in the God who reveals Himself in the Scriptures. They want a god who is just and loving as our God is, but one who lets them do whatever they want without consequences or accountability. And still billions worship a god who is aloof, changeable and capricious.

The world is in chaos and people are seeking for firm anchors in philosophy, fame, sensuality, and wealth, things which will not help or satisfy. They seek advice and wisdom in astrology and mystical religions which put the self at the center. James reminds us that God has made all there is and He does not change. He can provide sure and certain wisdom if we are humble enough to know we can trust Him absolutely.