“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15:13-14)c

Jesus spoke these words to His disciples on the night He was betrayed, the night before He was crucified. Very often, we here it used in the media to convey the idea that the highest expression of love is to sacrifice one’s life for someone else. This usage is meant to sanctify those who give their lives for cause of liberty or to save the lives of others. 

The context of this passage tells us of something far greater. Jesus spoke these words to His disciples to tell them that the death He was about to experience was for their blessing and the good of all who would come to faith in in Him. In addition, they would be called to do the same as His servants and friends. This does not mean we are His equals in terms of authority and power, but we are partners, co-workers in the ministry of salvation. We are His friends if we follow His command to love one another. We His friends by the obedience of faith. We are His friends as we go into the entire world and preach the gospel in His name. Part of the fruit we are to bear involves witnessing to others about the love of Christ but it goes further. Love means performing deeds of righteousness, compassion, and mercy for those who are undeserving and sinful, because that is what Jesus did for us.

Love as demonstrated and revealed by Jesus is not self-centered, but other centered. The love of God and the love He would have us share is a choice, an act of the will to do what is best for the one who is loved. The love of Jesus is self-sacrificing. He sacrificed His life on the cross for those He loves. This then is what love means: sacrificing and using our life, our time, talents, and treasures for the Lord and His Kingdom.