“If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater, for this is the testimony of God that he has borne concerning his Son.  Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his Son.” (1 John 5:9-10)

These days many millions reject the word of God in favor of what the media and our culture proclaim as truth. To them the words that we read here from the Apostle John are not applicable for this is a time when individuals decide for themselves what to believe, who to believe in, how to live, and what is right and wrong. Many have no god at all, or see themselves or some celebrity or academic guru as their god or authority who they trust and follow. Truth these days is relative to one’s experience or feelings. In essence, then, millions believe, as John states here, that Almighty God is a liar. Anyone who calls God a liar is not a child of God.

Despite what is popular these days, John assures we the faithful, his audience, of the authenticity of the faith granted to us. He reminds us that we know God on an intimate and personal level. This relationship is not reserved for a few spiritual elite. It is the gift of God based on our faith in Christ to all. Consequently, we believers have the right to approach God in prayer with a confidence that allows an openness in which we can speak our mind freely without fear. Such boldness is improper for non Christians and also false ones: it is the privilege only for the true believer.

In addition we believers can be bold about stating that our faith is the absolute truth in this world where people compose their spirituality and worldview based on emotions, desires, and philosophy or what is most popular. We who have faith must be bold in sharing our faith though this will lead to angry repinses and persecution. We can and should be bold because those who reject faith in Jesus are doomed to eternal separation from God.

Our relationship with Jesus is not a product of human striving or effort. It is made possible only by means of the blood which Christ shed on the cross. His blood is the means whereby God has reconciled man to Himself. Man approaches Him not on his own merits but through Christ Himself, who alone acts as our intercessor and High Priest. Truth, salvation, and unity is found only in and through Jesus.