“For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.” (Hebrews 7:26)

The High Priestly ministry of Christ is far superior to that of the Levitical priesthood under the Mosaic law. The old Law could never permanently take away sin or make anyone right with God. The reason is that the Levitical order was composed of men who were sinners, imperfect and mortal. In fact, no one not even the priests could keep the Law of God to perfection. And the same is true today. In varying degrees all human beings fall short of God’s perfection. Therefore all, no matter how good they seem or claim to be stand condemned by God. 

But this is where to gospel of Jesus Christ brings us hope and comfort. Jesus was not of that order for He was not a Levite. He was of the order of Melchizedek which was superior to the Levitcal one. It was not based on human lineage. It was an order to which even Abraham paid tithes thereby acknowledging the supremacy of the order over the entire Hebrew race, his descendants, including the priests of the tribe of Levi. And Jesus was our perfect sacrifice. Since He was and is both God and man,he is without sin.

All this means is that Jesus has a superior and permanent priesthood, as sole High Priest. His one sacrifice alone is able to do what all the sacrifices of the old covenant could not do: forgive sin and make humans right with God. To the Jews such a concept represented a paradigm shift, a major change in the way of thinking, acting and living. They no longer have to follow the Law of perform any of its rituals. NThey now have access to the Father through Christ and are able to live in righteousness by means of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the ultimate and final revelation of God so this new covenant replaces and fulfills the old. It will never change for it has been confirmed by God’s own oath or pledge. And the Lord grants us the faith to remain steadfast in that assurance. God is always true to his Word. We can enter His presence in prayer for we go through Jesus our intercessor. This is the assurance we who have faith possess and which we must share with those in this world who are wandering in the darkness of sin.