By Lauren Straub

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble” (Psalm 107: 1-2)

Dear Lord,

I know I can never adequately thank you for your love, for your understanding that I can never live up to your expectations and for your forgiveness when I fail to meet those expectations. I try daily to be the honest, ethical and loving as you would have me be. I know you love me and that you do forgive me when my all too human self falls short. 

You sent your son to take on the punishment for my sins; a gift of love that as a parent is really impossible to comprehend. Each year, during Lent, that gift of love hits home harder than the rest of the year even though it is a year-round and lifetime gift. 

Help me to be worthy of your many gifts and your love. Help me impress on those around me of your priceless gifts to all of us. To include those with other ideas rather than exclude them, to understand rather than disparage. We are all members of your family.
