“For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy.” (Romans 15:8-9a)

During the preChristmas season it is quite easy to forget what Christmas is about. Maybe this is because we believers have allowed ourselves to be formed more and more into the image of what the world expects us to be rather than into the image of Christ. At this time of year the world exercises a great influence through the media as well as our western culture that encourages excess thus distracting us from focusing on the Lord. The world sees it as a time for decadent self-indulgence, not for sober reflection on the direction of one’s life. Perhaps those people who lack faith in Jesus go to extremes to numb the pain and sadness such reflection brings. They fear giving themselves to Him.

In these words from his epistle to the Romans, Paul reminds believers why Christ Jesus came into the world. He was the fulfillment of God’s promises to the Hebrew people and to the Jews., He was demonstration of God’s truthfulness and faithfulness. He never lies. He promised to send the Messiah to save humankind from sin and death. He promises that the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, will return soon to set things right. When He comes He will sweep away wickedness, injustice, poverty, immorality and violence.

The Church focuses on Advent as the time to look forward to this Second Coming. We cannot behave as the world does. We cannot let it squeeze us into its mold or template. We have a calling to live in righteousness and humility as well as to preach the truth of the gospel to all men, not just internally in our churches, but out in our world. We who have faith in Jesus must be a witness for Him, a living example of His love, mercy and compassion as well of His power to change lives and make all men righteous and holy.