“So Jesus again said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.'” (John 10:7-9)

Although Jesus was speaking in metaphorical language, it is obvious that the truth He expresses is that that the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven is through Him. He is the door or gate, the entrance to the sheepfold. The metaphor of Him as a shepherd enhances this idea because only those sheep that belong to Him get in for the shepherd acts as the door. He knows which belong in His fold and those that do recognize His voice, that is, know and believe in Him, so only they get in. And as a shepherd, His sheep trust Him and depend on Him for everything.

In this time of pandemic and enforced isolation the uniqueness of Christ seems to have been shoved aside. Unfortunately many of the Lord’s sheep are being led astray by message being preached by the media, celebrities, politicians, and internet guru to think that we are all in this crisis together. United as one, we shall overcome this virus.

But are we united? We may all salute the same flag, live in the same communities, suffer the same fears, and shop at the same stores but only those who have faith in Jesus are truly united. They are in the sheepfold with the good shepherd. Those who worship other gods or no god or self or some politically correct false Christ are somewhere else, trusting in someone or something that will not help them at all but will only leave them in the dark bondage of sin. The good news is that the Lord is working in this time of tribulation to call these unto Himself. Only in Him can we rejoice in true unity.