You will say in that day: ‘I will give thanks to you, O Lord, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.’” (Isaiah 12:1-2)

Mankind is searching for peace. Millions place their hope for this in governments and organizations. In 1920, following the great devastation of WW I,The League of Nations was established as was the first worldwide intergovernmental organization whose mission was to maintain world peace. It ceased operations in 1946 having failed to prevent WW II, but many of its components were relocated into the new United Nations. Unfortunately, the UN, like its  predecessor, has done little to establish peace among the nations. It has no ability to prevent war or halt terrorism and violence. 

For we who have faith in Jesus, we have found the peace mankind seeks in Jesus. When He comes to establish His Kingdom, we will offer Him ecstatic praise. In fact, we will be praising and rejoicing for eternity. We praise Him because we want to thank Him for our salvation, for delivering us from sin. God in Christ shows us love. He is not angry with us for He loves us more than we can think or imagine.

We praise God for Jesus the Messiah. Through Him we have redemption, forgiveness, and peace with God and man. Jesus is the wellspring of life. Those who come to Him and drink of His water of truth and mercy find strength, wisdom, and eternal life. Such a great gift is found no where else in the universe but in this well of life.  

This then is what we declare to the nations. We praise God that they might hear the Good News of life that is in no other but in Him. We have found the greatest news, the meaning and purpose of life and we must share it with others before it is too late. If we do not tell them the then they will perish. The joy we have in the Lord will enable us to preach the gospel to everyone we meet.