“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith. . .” (Philippians 3:8-9)

Paul maintained that believers must be wary of all those who claim to come in Jesus’ name, who claim to preach His gospel but they are not His servants. These are out to make a name for themselves or amass money, power, and prestige. They demand obedience because of their authority, their self-righteousness, and their credentials. Paul was not that way though he had earthly credentials and a fine Jewish heritage. He proclaimed the truth that salvation and righteousness do not come from our works or achievements but are the gift of God imparted to those He brings to repentance and faith.

Paul was not one to proclaim even his own righteousness. He was painfully aware of his sins and shortcomings. Many church leaders would hesitate to admit such a thing. So would most politicians and, for that matter, most people even when caught lying, cheating, or engaging in sexual immorality. Instead people want to be perceived as in control, having all the answers to all problems, with boundless energy, free from doubt as well as from the struggles and temptations that plague the rest of us. Many shudder at the thought of a leader struggling with sin or doubt, or not having the solutions to their problems and not just in the church. We have seen it played out in the media and the public arena for decades.

Quite a contrast to Paul. He admitted he had not arrived yet at perfection. Even so, he knew that his new life is assured in Christ and he wants to experience it in its fullness. That is why he pressed on in ministry, forgetting the sins of the past, abandoning the rewards and pleasures of the material world for the true joy and peace that comes from being in the Kingdom of God. He rejoiced that he was forgiven in Christ, and so could also rejoice in the deprivation and suffering of the present. 

Paul is a model for our own leaders in the church, the government, academia, media and the business world. All those who exercise authority or leadership should be men and women who share our doubts and struggles, people who can empathize with us. Jesus displayed humility, compassion, love, and mercy. Paul walked in imitation of Him. We who have faith in Christ are called to do the same, to count all the riches of the world as rubbish for the glory of our heavenly inheritance.