The Lord is my portion;
    I promise to keep your words.
I entreat your favor with all my heart;
    be gracious to me according to your promise.
When I think on my ways,
    I turn my feet to your testimonies;
I hasten and do not delay
    to keep your commandments.
Though the cords of the wicked ensnare me,
    I do not forget your law.
At midnight I rise to praise you,
    because of your righteous rules.
I am a companion of all who fear you,
    of those who keep your precepts.
The earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love;
    teach me your statutes!

The Psalmist knows that the Scriptures are the expression of God’s heart. They present His promises to His people. Consequently, the word is an eternal source of hope in times of suffering and tribulation. The word confirms to us that God never lies and that He is always with us. And so we want to follow Him by obeying what He says. We dedicate our lives to do so. As a result we inevitably find ourselves in the midst of conflict and temptation because it is not easy to obey God’s word when faced with sin and to the power and force of the world which wants us to conform, or the influence, ridicule, no shame that comes from our friends and family. These can be intense. 

It is in times of our suffering and personal conflicts, we often let our anxiety keep us awake at night. Often we toss and turn. The world suggests we use meditation or drink warm milk. But these will not help because we are in turmoil because we do not know what to do in response to pressure of the evil forces around us. We do not know how to avoid falling prey to sin, or how to counteract or defeat those who are attacking us. We think of all the things we could say or could have said and all the things we could do or could have done. We think of ways we will get our revenge and vindicate ourselves. That kind of thinking keeps us up. If we just remembered to put our trust in God, we would be at peace. We would  realize that He will take care of all our woes. He will silence all our foes. He will exact justice on our behalf. And so He will enable us to act in a godly manner that will exalt Him.