“And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, . . .” (Colossians 1:21-23a)

The world has been stuck in the morass of sin since the fall of Adam and Eve. These days this mess seems to be made more intense by the demands for the acceptance of gender fluidity, sexual immorality, and abortion as well as the chaos and confusion brought about by political deception and the COVID pandemic. These things remind us that all men are sinners, even those who seem to be the most altruistic, as well as those who are praised and glorified for their talents, looks, accomplishments, and heroic self identity. Consequently all humans are alienated or separated from God. No one may dwell in unity with God, no matter how many good works and noble deeds they perform, or how many accolades and awards they win. All our righteous deeds are as filthy rags in the sight of the Lord. 

The good news of the gospel, as Paul teaches here, is that there is a way out of this sinful quagmire: faith in Jesus Christ who is the only offering for the sins of all mankind. Those who believe are declared righteous, as Abraham was. These alone are counted blameless and above reproach by God, even despite the sins they still commit. All those who have faith in Christ, in His atoning sacrifice are clothed in His righteousness. Thus when the Father sees the faithful believer He sees Jesus. The good works he or she does, and the holy life each pursues are in response to, not the cause of, their oneness with Christ.

The Lord God Almighty offers the gift of salvation to all men and women by faith in Jesus. All those and only those who accept that offer are one with God. Such a truth is hard to accept in our culture where the dominant teaching is that each individual controls his or her own destiny, that each of us can earn our way to heaven, whatever form that may take. But in the Kingdom of God there will be no religions, no faith in or worship of any gods but the Lord God Almighty. This is because all religions, except Christianity, are evil lies that lead people away from the one true God. This is why, as Paul exhorts us, we ought to strive with all our strength and resources to proclaim the wisdom of God in Christ Jesus to everyone. He alone is the hope of glory for all mankind.