“But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead.” (1 Corinthians 15:20-21)

Paul taught the truth of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead as proof and assurance of our own resurrection from the dead. He reminds us believers that this is a core tenet of our faith, one which unites as with all others who have faith in Jesus. He does not try to prove that Christ rose from the dead but demonstrates the foolishness of those who deny His bodily resurrection. If we deny the resurrection of Christ we deny our resurrection as well. And since His resurrection is the proof that Christ’s death atoned for our sins, to deny that means that we are still spiritually dead.

Many people in our world fear death, often because they are not sure what awaits them on the other side. Others fear annihilation, that they will not live on in the memory of others because they deny the existence of an afterlife. To them, this life filled with meaningless suffering, pain and violence, is all there is. It is no wonder so many people fall into despair and take their lives.

We who have faith in Christ need not fear death because we are certain of what lies beyond the grave. We will be raised again to eternal glory for we are united with Christ. Christ’s bodily resurrection is the ultimate proof that He defeated sin and death on the cross. Therefore we can live with peace knowing that our union with Christ gives our entire existence meaning, purpose and joy. This great news is something we are called to share as we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus.