“The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and this city all the words you have heard. Now therefore mend your ways and your deeds, and obey the voice of the Lord your God, and the Lord will relent of the disaster that he has pronounced against you.” (Jeremiah 26:12b-13)

It should not surprise us that the words of Scripture often address the mores and values of our current cultural systems. They are, after all, the Words of God and as timeless and enduring as He is. Therefore, all people would be wise to heed the message conveyed by the prophet Jeremiah, a message the Lord God Almighty had commissioned Him to preach to the ancient Jews. 

Jeremiah’s message was quite unpopular with the Jews because it prophesied judgment and punishment unless the people and their rulers repented of their idolatry and faithlessness. Thus it is no surprise that when Jeremiah preached that message in the Temple courts he provoked the anger of the priests and their false prophets, the ungodly religious authorities of the nation. Jeremiah’s message contradicted theirs and offended them. They did not want to hear the truth about their own sinfulness because they rejected this truth and thought themselves to be God’s holy authority. 

The reaction of those religious officials shows us the depravity of the human mind. Many people both then as now, set themselves up as religious, spiritual, or moral authorities because they have some sort of worldly credential such as an academic degree, high position, fame, or title. Hence they claim to hold the moral high ground with authority to dictate right and wrong to everyone else. Many of them claim to be spiritually proficient, to know God intimately, no matter what form their god takes. Such pseudo-prophets are touted by the media and academics as authoritative sources of true spirituality when they need someone to speak about God or religion. However, the things they say reveal that few of them know God because they do not know Jesus. 

What many often proclaim is the truth as they see it, subject to the interpreter, the situation, and current cultural values. They refrain from talking about their own sin, sinful lifestyles, and idolatry yet claim to be tolerant of all religions. They do not want to disturb the status quo by antagonizing people or making them feel guilt, poor self-esteem, or the need for repentance. The truth hurts and offends those who do not know Christ. They will try to suppress it by legal means, harassment, or violence. But we who have faith in Christ are called to speak the truth like Jeremiah despite the opposition and the consequences. People must come to repentance by faith in Christ or face judgment.