“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” (1 John 4:4-6)

In these days the Christian worldview is dynamically clashing with the dictates of science, the media, government, and academia. Many preach love and equality but they also espouse hatred and racism for those people groups they hate, for those who consider abortion to be sinful, and those who accept God’s Law as truth.

Fortunately, we who have faith in Jesus can take heart in the Word of the Lord. The Lord has given us all the resources, wisdom, and strength to stand up boldly for His Kingdom. We need not get involved in espousing the political ideology of any group because we are members of God’s Kingdom first and foremost. We view the world from the standpoint of the Word of God. People who reject Jesus are not to be those who shape our way of thinking or our actions, or even the way we vote. Those who are not united with Christ Jesus are united with Satan and evil. Many of them may sound good and noble and even claim to speak for Christ but their thoughts and proclamations originate in the spirit of the antichrist. Nothing godly can come from them. We must reject their teaching and their “authority” because they have no real fellowship with Christ or, consequently, with us. 

And so as we look at the world we realize we must speak the truth in love so that sinners may see their sins and repent. We do not help sinners if we deny or redefine sin so they will not be offended. To do so is to condemn them to hell and to call Christ Jesus a liar. And some co-called churches and Christians are doing just that, proffering man’s opinion based on bias, feelings, and experience as if it were God’s Word. Instead our love should direct us to bring the truth of God’s Word to others no matter what it may cost us. Worldly culture and individuals talk a lot about love, but they do not know true love, the self-sacrificial love of God. We believers do because we belong to Jesus who laid down His life for us all even while we were alienated from Him and unworthy of His love. Since God is love, those who belong to Him will love as He does.