“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to thebreaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and manywonders and signs were being done through the apostles.” (Acts 2:42-43)

Many people today desire to belong to a community. Hence the proliferation of groups which abound in society and on the Internet composed of people sharing common beliefs and values. This would include those who share common experiences such as cancer survivors, veterans, or diabetics as well as those who espouse and practice aberrant sexual mores and lifestyles. These all desire to feel like they are part of a greater whole so they can be comforted by the acceptance and fellowship that like-minded people can provide.

Such groups cannot come close to providing the love and fellowship that exists or should exist in the church. Saint Luke describes for us the idea for which all believers should strive, that which existed in the early church. The early church was more of a family than an organization. There was an absence of selfishness, gossip, ill-will, and politics. The central focus was on worship and the word of God. There was love, harmony, and peace. Everyone not only got along with their fellow believers, but also their neighbors. They shared their possessions and food with one another and with those in need, and did so with grace and mercy. They demonstrated God’s kindness and love for all mankind. These very characteristics of the early Christians demonstrated the power and presence of God Almighty with them. The loving behavior of these believers is what attracted other people to them and enabled the church to grow.

The church, we believers, continue to follow the example of our First Century spiritual ancestors. We share God’s love with all for we are called to be His instruments of grace. We extend the love of Christ Jesus to everyone even those with whom we disagree or who do not like us. This is how we can achieve peace and unity in this world, not through political affiliations, national origins, shared ethnicity or legal enforcement. Unity comes by faith in Jesus, a unity granted not by rights or laws, but by the love of God, a love we are called to demonstrate to this world of people seeking comfort and fellowship in ways and places that will never satisfy. Only Jesus can give true peace and everlasting life.