All the people we read about in the Bible who were at the birth of Jesus were real people and the angels were real angels. There were no actors or actresses, no cartoon characters, no computer generated images. They were real and what they saw and heard was astounding especially the shepherds.
Well what those shepherds saw and heard was more wonderful and breathtaking than anything you or I could see on TV or in the movies or at Disneyland or on the 4th of July or all the the displays of bright lights and decorations we have seen around these past weeks.
They saw angels. They saw the glory of the Lord!
It was night and it must have been dark. They had no street lights, no electricity. The only lights they had were from the stars, maybe the moon or also a campfire or two. Suddenly an angel appeared to those shepherds and they were surrounded by a blazing light as bright as the sun in the middle of the day. And then a multitude of angels, meaning hundreds, perhaps thousands. Those angels were more awesome and majestic than any of the paintings or drawings we may have seen of them. They were singing with voices far more glorious than any earthly choir or any of the singers many idolize today. “Glory to God in the highest.” How thrilling it must have been! I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
But you know what was more wonderful? The shepherds got to see Jesus, God Himself, a newborn baby lying in a manger of hay. Nothing special to look at, though infants are cute, cuddly, and fill us with wonder. But the shepherds praised God when they saw Him. Why? Because this baby was God Himself who had come finally in answer to centuries of prayer just as He had promised to Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses, David and all the People of Israel. Finally, the promised Savior, Jesus had come to grant all of us forgiveness of our sins, and eternal life with Him.
Thank you Jesus for coming to save us from our sins. Help us to live a good life that honors you. Keep us close to you and safe from all harm.