“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.” (Genesis 1:3-4)

The Christian worldview is rooted in the Scriptures, the Word of God. It opens with the book of Genesis, a Greek word which means beginning or origin. Genesis reveals the beginning of earth and the origin of all life. It does not go out to prove God’s existence: it accepts this as absolute truth from the very beginning. Almighty God created all things by the power of His word. All that exists originated in His mind and by His will.  

The account of creation, however, is generally scorned by our society which prefers to accept the words of scientists and educators who theorize about the origin of the universe and of life. They have enshrined the theories of the big bang and Darwin’s idea of evolution as the central truths that govern our society and dictate our politics, religion, and health care. Yet these theories are merely ideas and speculations upon which the scientific and academic world has built a fraudulent but popular worldview that rejects almighty God entirely. Such a worldview has produced the amoral and depraved society which surrounds us. Among other things the concept of evolution has given rise to the popular idea of gender fluidity, but this worldview is at the root of all the troubles and ills of humanity. Such evils cannot be ameliorated by science, education, sociology, or government.

The Word of God teaches that God’s first act was the creation of light to dispel the darkness. Darkness has always represented fear and evil to human beings for it conceals untold dangers and terrors that may be lurking around us. But it also represents the spiritual darkness of sin that lies within the heart of every human being. That darkness conceals evil thoughts and desires we prefer to keep hidden. Yet in these days such darkness is rising to the surface, it is no longer hidden. It is being expressed in wars that rage across the globe, as well as in the rising tide of lawlessness that runs rampant throughout our nation. What was once considered evil is now considered good, an expression of one’s personal truth and identity. 

That is sad because such an attitude, such a twisted worldview will not satisfy for it rejects the love and comfort which God offers to all. He comforts us with His light that shows us His law and love. The light God gives takes away our fear. His light reveals all that we hide. His light can lead us to faith and repentance for, although God created all things for His own glory, He created man to be the focus of His glory. Genesis speaks of the beginning of the human race as well as the origin of sin. And most importantly Genesis speaks of the beginning of God’s work of redemption in which He called one race of people, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to bring salvation to all mankind. This He would do this through Jesus Christ who is the Light of the World. Those who reject the light of Christ are doomed to eternal judgment. It is our calling as believers to warn them and present to them the truth of mercy and eternal life in Jesus alone.