“For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are his pleasant planting; and he looked for justice, but behold, bloodshed; for righteousness, but behold, an outcry!” (Isaiah 5:7)

The symbol of God’s people as a vineyard is quite common throughout the Bible. The fruit is symbolic of the works of godliness that the Lord expects from from His people. Unfortunately, as Isaiah indicated, the Lord found that the grapes were bad. He then pronounced judgment with great passion as He expressed sorrow and disappointment at the rebellion of those He loved. The people of Judah had defrauded the poor and needy and were quite greedy and selfish. They reveled in drunkenness and debauchery. They were arrogant toward and scornful of the Lord. They rejoiced in evil; they perverted goodness. They exploited others through injustice. They were filled with pride.

Isaiah’s indictment can also be pronounced upon many modern day Americans. Many today cry out for justice but in pursuit of it they engage in violence and acrimony. In addition, many Americans are greedy and materialistic, not just the rich but the middle class and even the poor. Many are proud, self-reliant, and self-centered. They want power not justice. They have no need for a God who tells them what is right and wrong. Celebrities and political demagogues alike exploit and use the public to maintain their wealth and prestige. American justice often favors the rich, the famous, and the politically powerful who routinely evade the law with impunity. American culture has redefined what sin is so that what is evil is promoted as good and what is good is considered harmful and destructive to a free society. We who have faith in Jesus cannot be complicit with such attitudes and behavior. We must preach the balanced gospel whereby the Lord may others to repentance and faith.