“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” (John 3:14-15)

John 3:16 is one of the most cited scriptures in the bible. We see it on banners and signs at sporting events, the attempt of some person or group to preach the gospel. I wonder how effective it has been? I wonder if most or some of those who see it know what it signifies, let alone what it means or try to find out the meaning. We believers cherish that verse as the essence of the gospel, as the quintessential expression of God’s love in Christ. It is vital that all who dwell in this violent and chaotic world know that God loves and values each one of us.

But John 3:16 needs to be read in context. In fact, the meaning may be slightly different than most of us have been led to believe. We think it means that God loved the world to such a great extent, when the actual meaning is more likely “this is how God loved the world.” His love is expressed to its fullest extent in an action: Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Love is not a matter of mere words but one of deeds and actions. In any case, the verse emphasizes His grace and mercy, those aspects of the gospel that are vital for all sinners to hear and receive, yet in context of what Jesus teaches Nicodemus, there is a sober warning of God’s judgment.

Jesus made this statement about salvation following his reference to the serpent in the wilderness. That event occurred when the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. They complained about God and He sent a plague of fiery serpents to punish them. Many people were bitten and died or were dying so God, in response to their repentance and Moses’ prayer, provided healing in the form of a bronze serpent. Therefore the very thing that caused death became a symbol of life that was efficacious for healing but only for those who had faith in God’s command through Moses to look and be healed.

The bronze serpent that was lifted up is a “type” for Christ. He was lifted up on the cross and became sin for us. What was deadly brought life. All who look to Jesus and the cross in faith as the only source of salvation receive eternal life. Those who refuse to look at the cross because they insist they know better or think that looking at a man crucified in despicable shame is foolish or unscientific and cannot possibly make a difference to them, will suffer eternal death, eternal separation from God. Better to look by faith and live than despise the cross and lose out on the love of God and eternal joy in His presence, guaranteed by the faith He imparts.