“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

In times of economic and political turmoil such as we have been enduring over the past several years, we trust in our flesh, money, fame, education, and credentials to carry us through life’s storms and make us feel good. In addition, we look to politicians, scientists, educators, psychologists, medical experts, the military, and law enforcement to solve all our woes. We react with anger, hatred and incivility when such people fail to meet our expectations. 

Unfortunately, such trust cannot bring us lasting joy and peace. This is because, like the ancient Jews we fail to seek the Lord first and rely completely on Him. We place our faith and reliance on that which is seen rather than what is unseen. The Jews had the prophet Jeremiah to remind them of their idolatry and faithlessness. He prophesied against the evil of Judah for the hearts of the people were not right with God. Their external rituals and outward deeds made them appear pious and holy, but their hearts were corrupt and selfish. All that they trusted in, their own strength, wisdom, desires, riches, their favorite pagan idols and even the sacrifices were all unreliable. The person who trusted in such things would find they were useless in the midst of suffering and strife. Those who amassed wealth and fame apart from God would be left with nothing.

We Christians acknowledge the truth of what Jeremiah stated even though we often do not often live as if we did. We say we trust in God, but do we really? God’s word is always trustworthy and true. As real as is the financial, political, and pandemic unrest that bedevils us, God is realer still. Things of the world are uncertain and capricious. God is always loving and trustworthy. He fulfills all of His promises. If we rely on Him we will find we are like trees planted by water. We will have God’s strength and resources to endure any trouble that comes, even that which devastates and ruins unbelievers, because the Lord Himself is with us.