“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” (2 Corinthians 5:10)

Paul speaks with certainty about what lies beyond the grave, a certainty which those in the media or in the worldly institutions of government, science, and academia, cannot match with their fanciful religions, whimsical philosophies, romantic notions, and self-centered ideals. And we need such certainty because people are running amok, seeking peace, power, and comfort in things which cannot satisfy or give them a sure sense of identity or remove the fear of death.

Every human being who is alive today or has ever lived will one day stand before the judgment seat of the Lord whether they believe it or not. Sadly, many people think that when that time comes they will into heaven with no worries. They don’t need to repent, they don’t have to admit they are sinners. God, whatever form they think he or it takes, is not a harsh judge. He will let them into heaven with no problem. So they reject what God says in His word. They reject the covering of the Lord which is the righteousness of Jesus.They prefer to be clothed with their own righteousness. And so they will find themselves naked, ashamed and without any hope before the judgment seat of Christ.

The hope of the believer is that in Christ we will endure that day of judgment forgiven and clothed in Christ, clothed with the good works born out of faith and produced in and through us by the power of God. Paul knew as do we that those who have not trusted Jesus for salvation should be afraid. When they appear before the judgment seat, they will be bound for condemnation. Paul preached the truth out of concern and compassion and love for them in order to prevent them from suffering judgment and hell. That should be our motive as well. It is our ministry to tell them about almighty God’s act of reconciliation that changed everything. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself on the cross. He did all the work because we could not.