“Do not put yourself forward in the king’s presence or stand in the place of the great, for it is better to be told, ‘Come up here,’ than to be put lower in the presence of a noble. What your eyes have seen do not hastily bring into court, for what will you do in the end, when your neighbor puts you to shame?” (Proverbs 25:6-8 ESV)

These verses from the book of Proverbs have great practical application to our own day. We may not have kings who rule with unlimited power over us but we have politicians and elected officials who think and act as if they did as well as individuals who claim to be moral authorities over the rest of us. These would all benefit from the wisdom revealed here. And, in addition, so would those who voice their opinions and rancor in the media or in public demonstrations.

The unwise person lacks both humility and patience. Thus, people in the world do not value true wisdom which comes from God but prefer whatever is sensational, lurid, disruptive, and attracts attention. It does not even have to be true or based on reality. In our world many foolish people rush in to interpret what they hear, read, or observe without getting the full story or finding out the facts. Many judge people and events based on their feelings and preconceived opinions. They then blurt out their conclusions as if they were fact and do so with self-satisfied smugness, convinced of their own virtue and brilliance, selfishly unconcerned about the affects their words have on others, and woefully blind to their folly.

The wise person realizes he should patiently study and diligently meditate upon a matter before offering an opinion or making a decision. The wise person searches out a matter guided by self-discipline which restrains the impulse to speak out prematurely or rashly. The wise person knows that, depending on the situation, words and deeds can hurt or heal, help or hinder. The wise person speaks at the right time so that he is understood, appreciated, and heeded, although such appreciation is rare in today’s world. Many individuals and groups act to squelch all opinions and viewpoints that do not conform to their standards. The truth gets lost in all the noise and acrimony.

In God’s Word we find that words of rebuke and criticism ought to produce the guilt and shame that lead sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus. Those whom the Lord calls will welcome God’s Truth without feeling angry, bitter, or vengeful. Therefore those who study and implement the wisdom of God in Christ Jesus are the true peacemakers in our world for they are faithful and obedient to the Lord.