“. . .preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.(2 Timothy 4:2)

In his last words to his friend Timothy, Paul provides us with vital instruction in evangelism. Such guidance is so needed for believers in our contemporary society which closely resembles the 1st Century Roman Empire. Many people, like the ancient Romans, are pluralistic. Most tolerate and accept numerous, varied, and competing gods, religions, and philosophies without thinking about the contradictions such acceptance implies. America, founded on Judeo-Christian principles based on the 10 commandments, now rejects those principles in favor of an individual’s right to choose. Just as it was in the days of Judges, everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes without regard to what Almighty God has said. Consequently, adultery, fornication, changing one’s gender, sexual immorality, lying, and corruption are no longer considered sins. Instead, they are acceptable and normal expressions of the individual’s right to choose an alternate lifestyle.

In addition, in an effort to attract new people and money, many churches and have adopted beliefs, ideas and practices from various competing philosophies and religions, and from the ungodly worldview touted by the mainstream media. Such teachings are alien to Biblical Christianity. Many have embraced eastern mysticism and popular psychology, watering down the gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus alone. They present a gospel that makes Christianity just a feel-good religion of self-fulfillment with man as the central focus, not God. Feelings, self-determination, and self-esteem, are more important than truth.

Today the truth of the gospel of Jesus needs to be preached with boldness as Paul urged. God has chosen us to preach His gospel for this time and for His purpose. He wants to use us to bring His word to the lost people in this world. He has chosen each believer and has given us the tools we need to carry out the mission, the same tools Christians have been using for 2000 years. He has given us His Holy Spirit who acts through The Church and the Word to guide and empower us to carry out that work. He will enable us to present the gospel in the way that will most effectively challenge those who are lost. This takes great patience, for we are dealing with sinful, rebellious and difficult people. We are to embody the message of God’s love, grace, long-suffering, and compassion.