“Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house. And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.” (2 Samuel 7:11b,16)

David intended to make Jerusalem the central place of religious worship by building a permanent Temple for the Lord. But the Lord had other plans. He was not to build a Temple. Instead the Lord desired to build David’s house. The Lord made a covenant with him in which He promised him an eternal dynasty. In addition, He made the King the center of religious and civil culture and Jerusalem the center of worship and religious life. The relationship of Yahweh and the King would be as Father to son. This indicates that the Lord had shifted His method of dealing with Israel to the King. The King was now the mediator of the covenant between Yahweh and man. He must walk in obedience to the Lord in order to ensure and maintain God’s blessings of peace and security. Otherwise both he and the nation would be disciplined by the Lord.

This new relationship is an example of God’s lovingkindness for it prophesied the mission of the Messiah, Jesus, whose birth we now celebrate. He is not only the eternal King who descends from David’s dynasty, but He is also the one mediator of the covenant between Yahweh and His people. Although the Kings of Israel obeyed the Lord imperfectly (if at all), and led the Israelites astray, the Messiah is not like them. His obedience is perfect. Thus, His perfect obedience brings God’s favor and blessing upon all who belong to His kingdom, that is, all those who have faith in Him. His perfect obedience is the essence of the gospel for our King’s work and sinlessness become ours by faith, imperfect as we are. God’s Holy Spirit works in us to enable us to walk in righteousness. As we follow His lead we will be blessed. What wonderful news to us enduring the chaos of the pandemic to know we are members of God’s Kingdom, entitled by grace to God’s protection, wisdom, and strength.