“It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.”

(Acts 1:7)

When I read about the ascension, I have a question. I ask the Lord “Why? Why did you have to go back to heaven when we need you here on earth so much?” It would have been so much easier for all of us if Jesus was physically present here on earth. Then whenever we needed Him, we could go right to Him. He would always be there for us with the right words to say to comfort, strengthen and encourage us. He would be there to give us a hug and heal us of all of our infirmities. We would never have to worry or lack for anything. There would be peace on earth if Jesus would just have stayed rather than ascending to heaven. Why did Jesus have to ascend to heaven?

Jesus does give us an answer but one which is not so easy for us to grasp especially when we are suffering or when we have to watch loved ones and friends in the midst of serious pain and critical illness. Such trials test the very foundation of our faith in Jesus. “Lord do you really know what you are doing? What purpose does such suffering serve? Why have you allowed this to happen?” I am sure that even the most faithful of us, have asked these questions at one time or another.

The major reason why Jesus had to ascend to heaven, why He commissioned His followers to establish His kingdom on earth, is because it was the Father’s will. It is not given to us to know the specific answers, the specific reasons. It is enough to know that it is the Father’s will. He does things in a different way than what we would do, like, or think. Therefore, the ultimate answer to all of our “Why?” questions is “It is the Father’s will.” By faith, that is all we need.