“. . .we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” (Hebrews 5:10b)

The author of Hebrews tells us about the human nature of the Messiah, Jesus, the Incarnation which we celebrate at Christmas time. He does so in the context of a teaching on the inferior nature of the Old Covenant and its ritual offerings. These had to be offered over and over again because they were, ultimately, inadequate. They could never permanently take away guilt or sin or its consequences or even hold them in check even though many who offered them in faith found forgiveness and peace.

Jesus came to earth as a human being to offer His body and blood as the only sacrificial offering that fulfills the demands of God’s Law and satisfies His justice. There is no need for further offerings: they are useless and ineffective. In fact, any further offerings are a denial of the efficacy of what Jesus did and an insult to the Father. Those who, by faith, accept the offering of Christ find that He no longer remembers their sins. They have been dealt with at cross and He will never bring them up again.

Here we see clearly that it is only by Christ’s work, His obedience unto death that we are made holy. Jesus Christ was offered only once for all sin. Through His one offering God dispenses grace, forgiveness, and mercy unto all those who accept by faith this offering. This is the great news we recall at Christmas and broadcast for all the world to hear for so many in our world today are living in the midst of frustration, sorrow, and despair. These feelings have only been exacerbated by the pandemic and its shutdowns. And, in addition, many people have demonstrated their feelings of distress by acting out with violence, rage, rioting, and gross incivility.  They need to know that there is no need for them to feel anxious or to act out. The Lord Jesus Christ has died for their sins and has made all things right.