“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. As the heavens for height, and the earth for depth, so the heart of kings is unsearchable.” (Proverbs 25:2)

Many of the verses in the book of Proverbs do not teach in a straightforward, didactic manner. Instead wisdom is revealed in riddles, metaphors and puzzles which the wise man realizes he must patiently study and diligently meditate upon. The wise person searches out a matter, he uses patience and self-discipline to restrain the impulse to speak out rashly. The fool would rush in to interpret what he reads or observes in a superficial manner, at face value. Then he blurts out his conclusions and feelings with self-satisfied smugness, convinced of his own brilliance, selfishly unconcerned about the affects his words have on others and woefully blind to his own folly.

These proverbs reveal to us how we are to live, how we are to treat those in our families, communities, government, and the world. A king, political leader, corporate executive or business owner and even a pastor or church leader who desires to be wise and righteous must separate himself from toadies, the proud, political opportunists, thieves and egotists. Instead he should choose as advisers those who are humble and righteous, people who are willing to serve others and not build up fame or wealth for themselves.

In this world such a thing is considered ridiculous and counterproductive. And yet the wise person knows that, depending on the situation, words and deeds can hurt or heal, help or hinder. The wise person speaks at the right time so that he is understood, appreciated and heeded. In this way words of rebuke and criticism even when they produce guilt and shame find a welcome reception without provoking feelings of anger, bitterness and revenge.